


The 20th China international flower garden art exhibition


From Beijing to Shanghai, Shanghai to Beijing, we met in the fifth year of Beijing, all said that time is a rushed book. In this hurry, there are a lot of things, too late to think, to ponder, it seems that even memory slipped from the fingertips. Those who try to remember, do not want to forget, suddenly found that the lost people are no longer concerned about. In fact, life is a process of seeking and forgetting. And all of us, in the big magnetic field of life, are so fast.

It is such a hurry, sent yesterday you, ushered in today's me, so that we have more shoulder rub and meet. And the friend's meeting, should be open in the life scenery most beautiful flower.

The China international flower and horticulture exhibition is organized by the China flower association. The exhibition has been strongly supported by the ministry of agriculture and the state forestry administration. It is a professional exhibition with the largest scale, highest popularity and best trading effect in China's flower, horticulture and garden fields. Has become the domestic and foreign professionals actively participate in the annual brand exhibition. The total area of this exhibition is expected to exceed 40,000 square meters for the first time, with about 800 enterprises from nearly 30 countries and regions participating, and nearly 40,000 professionals from more than 50 countries and regions attending......


下一條: No flower pot for hire

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